How Jacksonville Data Recovery Can Help You With Recovery Service

That’s peace of mind at a low cost. if something does happen to your data or device filing a claim is easy just call our rescue plan service line to open a claim and we’ll give you a prepaid shipping label so you can send us your device free of charge. In the Jacksonville Data Recovery Services lab, we will analyze it and send it back to you on a new drive saving you thousands of dollars in in lab recovery services ready to get started visit Seagate slash data recovery to learn more about the simple and cost-effective ways Seagate can help you with all your data recovery needs.

How Drive Savers is able to save everything from a hard drive to an SSD to, importantly for what we’re going to be doing today. how to save the data off of your smart phone, so Drive Savers sponsored us out to take a look at their entire facility, including this two million dollar clean room, so I’m all suited up, I’m afraid I’m about to destroy everything, but let’s give it a try here.

Richmond Data Recovery

So, inside the clean room, what we’re going to be able to do is look at a wide variety of different ways of saving the data on a hard drive, so you can see they have these systems set up all along the wall with the power supplies, and they have various different connectors, but essentially, the main goal is to figure out, once you get the hard drive, what’s the problem and how to fix it, so the ideal goal is to be able to just copy all of the Data Recovery over and clone it to another drive.

So sometimes, that actually is going to be possible, Drive Savers has a variety of different tools and different pieces of software to do that kind of stuff, but, as you would imagine. it’s not always going to be that simple. Sometimes, though, you actually have to get a little bit more creative, so they actually have tools that will be able to not only be able to re-flash the firmware on your drive, so sometimes, that’ll be enough to save it, and sometimes you actually have to do surgeries.

You’re actually going to have to open up the drive, swap out different pieces, in fact, actually, I think you’re opening a drive right now? What’s the deal with this one? It’s a clicking hard drive. – It’s a clicking hard drive, that’s never a good sign, so this is something that you’re going to have to do some surgery on the drive to be able to save it. You’re gonna need a donor drive?